Anthropologie Windows Combine: Recycled Plastic, Social Media, and Customers
Despite the frigid cold after a giant snowstorm, a glimpse of spring was in the air today as I walked by the Anthropologie flagship in Rockefeller Center. Their store window displays were not only spring-themed, they also have a wonderful eco-theme, too. They’re made from plastic bottles collected from their customers.
I investigated further, and it turns out that Anthropolgie had put out the word on their Facebook page:
“Calling all customers of our new Chicago, D.C. and upstate NY stores: want to help us create our spring windows? Simply drop off used plastic water bottles of all shapes and sizes at the locations and times listed below. And don’t forget to return to your store in forthcoming days to see your castoffs repurposed into larger-than-life sprays of flowers!”
What a simple idea, and a great way to engage the audience (most of whom are probably guilty consumers of water from disposable plastic water bottles) through new media.
The way the window designers cut and painted the bottles to become spring flowers came out just perfectly, retaining the overall look of the brand, while creating a spring theme.
This is certainly the type of thing MSLK would love be hired to do for any retailer… find ways to reuse existing items and transform them into something entirely new. After all, we do have a knack of working with plastic bottles, you know.
Here are some more shots I took while walking by:
Colored straws bring in more color.
The straws appear to have string running through them to support the plastic flowers