Launches with New Movies About Our Company

MSLK’s Founders:

If a picture tells a thousand words, then a movie shot at 24 frames per second surely has even more to say. Months ago when we set out to tell compelling stories of MSLK’s process, our environmental commitment, and the people behind MSLK, we found that words and pictures alone were simply not compelling enough.

Thus begun a long process of creating short movies.

MSLK had produced videos in the past for promotional purposes, which were very simple, and admitidly a bit amaturish. This time around, we knew we’d need to step up our game. In order to do so, we set out with a few goals:

Each movie needed to:

– be as short as possible to keep an online audience engaged
– tell a specific, concise story
– feature MSLK work to illustrate various points discussed in the videos
– give a sense of what working with MSLK would be like to prospective clients
– look professionally produced

Using a Nikon SLR HD camera, Final Cut Pro editing software, and Garageband to create the music, we slowly pieced everything together. The learning curve was quite steep for us, but in the end not hiring another company to do this all for us allowed for total control.

We’ve already heard from a number of clients that these videos not only gave them better insight into our process, but also demonstrated other services they previously didn’t know of before. That’s worth a quite a few word, indeed.

Have a look at all three below, as well as on our new About page here. We’d love to hear you feedback.

Our Process:

Our Environmental Commitment: