Essential Motoring Nonessentials

The other day a simple black box arrived in my mailbox. It had only one message on it:

MINI Adventure Field Kit. Contents: Essential Motoring Nonessentials

That’s right: another gift from MINI. I still can’t believe the degree to which this brand continues to sell after the sale is made. Is it not enough to build a fun, well-made car?

They really went all out this time.

It started out innocently enough…

Someone had taken the time to even indicate which model I had (making me wonder how each box is customized further)…

Once opened, it was completely out of control! A dizzying assortment of, well, nonessential items…

Here is a rolled-up, die-cut vinyl set of window clings meant to put on your MINI. In the true spirit of the brand, it’s all about customization.

Many options for saying all that needs to be said.

Nuff said…

I particularly love this notebook. It features black-on-black foil along with an accent of red. I’m not too fond of the yellow smiley foam ball meant for the end of your antenna. That’s a bit too much for me…

Perhaps you’d like a pen to go with that, mate?

A set of cards to give out to all those that marvel at your car. (Note the iconic colored box in the design of the cards…)

By far the most clever thing I’ve ever seen in a promotion: the secret compartment. It was literally begging to be opened…


It did not disappoint!

Inside this secret dossier is a set of materials meant for decoding upcoming promotions to run in magazines. If you see an ad that you can’t read, give your buddy Marc a call. I might be able to help you out…

All the copy is incredibly well-written. It does a great job of making you feel smart, and part of the club.

I found it a home right above my desk. Which came first, the MINI or the MINI Adventure Kit?