![Nastrovje! Thoughts After a Little Odessa Night Out](https://mslk.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/06/mslk_tatianagrill.jpg)
Stop Junkmail for Good with GreenDimes
If you are like me you hate all the junk mail that piles up at your door everyday. Two-thirds of it goes straight in the trash, unopened and unread. Recently our young friend Aya Simone requested that rather that bring a birthday gift to her first birthday we “go green” by signing up for GreenDimes—so we did.
For a meager $20 GreenDimes promises to take me (and up to 8 other names at your address) off junk mail lists far and wide, including credit card offers, bank offers, and charitable solicitations. According to the blogs, users proclaim that they now go several days without receiving any mail at all.
The only thing they can’t do is stop mail from companies I already have a relationship with, but this does not include catalogs. They can stop those at any time for no extra charge! In fact, they’ll even plant a tree for every catalog you cancel. Do you really need any more incentive? The catalog canceling interface is effortless, just begin typing the name of the catalog and it automatically recommends catalogs to cancel. For example, I only needed to type in v-i-c-t before it popped up “Victoria’s Secret”.
This is $20 well spent!