Graphic Design’s 15 Minutes of Fame

Graphic Design Headline

When it comes to the news, graphic design is usually a behind-the-scenes player. While a lot of design goes into the news, the industry of graphic design rarely makes the front page (…or any page, really). We’ve been upstaged by architecture, product design, interior design, fashion design… you name it. In fact, many people (my family included) are a bit confused about what graphic design is exactly. However, if the last few months are any indication, the tides are about to turn. For the second time in the last few weeks, graphic design has made the front page of the New York Times (okay, the online edition… but still)!

First there was the buzz over the Obama logo design. Now the New York Times is examining the history of the Superbowl logo – a graphic that has a 43-year history and is seen by millions every year.

What I find particularly interesting about the article is that they’ve enlisted the design advice of a handful of “celebrity” designers. To help illustrate the possibilities, they’ve asked these designers to submit their own solutions and explain what they would’ve done differently and why. The result is a group of logos that are probably a bit highbrow for the Superbowl, but help showcase how influential a logo can be.

This is the actual logo for this year’s Superbowl:

Superbowl 43 Logo

Here are some of the designer’s results:

Superbowl Logo Concept

Superbowl Logo Concept

Superbowl Logo Concept

Superbowl Logo Concept

I predict that getting press in respectable newspapers is only the beginning. It’s only a matter of time before we hit prime time with reality shows like “Logo Showdown” or “Identity Crisis: Branding Gone Wrong.” Stay tuned…