Inspiration from Girona’s Temps du Flors

Festivals are a great way to engage people in a city or neighborhood.  It’s an effective way to bring people into the area and showcase the normally hidden real estate. It’s a win for local business and civic morale. Such is the case with the annual “Season of Flowers” in the city of Girona, Spain, which were we able to catch on a recent visit. For nine days in May, local artists create works of art using primarily fresh flowers. These works are set amid some of Girona’s finest public and private architectural settings, many of which are open to the public only during the festival. These works are scattered throughout the old city (Ciutat Vella), on the cathedral steps, inside monuments such as the ancient Arab baths, museum courtyards, small patios, and along the city streets.

We found these installations to be a great way for these artists to showcase their works, and many had business cards and websites on hand for future hires.

Flowers made with construction lights

The steps of the main Cathedral

A re-creation of a famous Spanish painting on the steps of the Cathedral

the Arab baths

strings of plastic bottles and caps form interesting creatures

Ribbons hang above some traditional Spanish puppets for parades


These blocks of flowers along this stream looked like the new mosaic style bar codes.