Maly’s: Store Experience


Maly’s, the third largest US distributor of salon quality products, struggled with their retail locations across the West Coast and Midwest having a different look and feel. Worse yet, the lackluster stores were reminiscent of warehouses with floor-to-ceiling products shouting the voice of each brand but lacking a mention of the Maly’s brand identity. Maly’s needed to unify their 108 stores and give consumers an experience more akin to that of a retailer rather than a wholesaler.

Most of the stores featured a classroom for stylists, yet this was not utilized to its full potential and instead often used for storage. MSLK sought to leverage the company’s initiatives and make the retail experience, Maly’s’ #1 sales venue, into a source of inspiration, education, and networking. Enhancing the store experience meant creating zones within each store that shoppers could easily navigate.

Most of the stores featured a classroom for stylists, yet this was not utilized to its full potential and instead often used for storage. MSLK sought to leverage the company’s initiatives and make the retail experience, Maly’s’ #1 sales venue, into a source of inspiration, education, and networking. Enhancing the store experience meant creating zones within each store that shoppers could easily navigate.

Most of the stores featured a classroom for stylists, yet this was not utilized to its full potential and instead often used for storage. MSLK sought to leverage the company’s initiatives and make the retail experience, Maly’s’ #1 sales venue, into a source of inspiration, education, and networking. Enhancing the store experience meant creating zones within each store that shoppers could easily navigate.