Hopenhagen, Climate Conference in Copenhagen
Today is the first day of the United Nations Climate Change Conference. For the next 11 days representatives from 170 countries accompanied by non-governmental organizations, journalists, business representatives, and personal enthusiast totaling an estimated 8,000 people are gathering to advocate reform to prevent global warming and climate changes. We met some of these advocates back in September during the UN’s Climate Week when they were beginning their rally cry.
One of the efforts to raise awareness and support for this global effort is grass roots effort called “Hopenhagen”. The people behind Hopenhagen are volunteers from the International Advertising Association, advertising, marketing and communications industries who have donated their time and resources to do what they do best, create an awareness campaign. Through this campaign, they hope to, “Connect every person, every city, and every nation to Copenhagen. To give everyone hope, and a platform from which to act. To create a grassroots movement that’s powerful enough to influence change.”
Their campaign states, “When people lead, leaders follow.” I mean afterall, how are 8,000 people going to change the world? Change really starts within yourself and ultimately will be powered by all of us. It is within this systemic approach that we can solve both our environmental crisis, and economic crisis at the same time. That is the real hope behind my own personal “Hopenhagen.”
You too can be a part of the moment but signing their interactive map with statements of hope from all around the globe, here. As you would expect from a Advertising Association, the design of the map is pretty neat as well.
On the site you can also find information on where you can write your local leaders to let them know how important a positive outcome at the UN Climate Change Conference is to you.
May the force be with them.