How to Optimize Your Beauty Brand for Every Channel

Omnichannel success is something we work towards with every brand that comes through the studio. In fact, it’s where our expertise truly lies. Our president, Sheri Koetting, is a frequent speaker on this topic, delivering lectures at branding and packaging conferences across the country.

In the almost 20 years that we’ve been building brands, we’ve racked up a few strategies to ensure beauty brands’ success across every channel. Though in-person and online shopping are inherently different experiences, they can work together to create seamless relationships between customers and brands.

To see a full breakdown of the strategies for success in omnichannel commerce, visit our friends at GCI Magazine. This month’s issue features Sheri’s key tenets for optimizing your brand for every channel. We’ve written up a sneak peek here on the blog, but be sure to get all the valuable insight from the full article.

3 Steps to Optimize Your Brand at Retail:

  1. Map and organize your product assortment.
  2. Establish a unified brand presence with clear and consistent visual elements.
  3. Keep it short and simple–don’t overwhelm the customer with flowery information on your packaging.


5 Keys to Optimizing Your Brand Online:

  1. It’s all about the story.
  2. Stand out in monotonous product grids.
  3. Answer any objections a customer may have.
  4. Make it easy for your consumer to find what they want.
  5. Customization is king!



Learn more about optimizing your brand voice.