Should Individuals with a Brand Maintain a Company Facebook Page?

Should Individuals with a Brand Maintain a Company Facebook Page?

Individuals with namesake brands often ask me if they should maintain a personal profile or a company page on Facebook. These individuals are often designers, authors, consultants, photographers and other...
Retailers Can and Should Leverage Mobile Apps

Retailers Can and Should Leverage Mobile Apps

Can retailers generate more sales by utilizing mobile devices and social media? In a recent interview with Footwear Insight I was asked my opinion of how footwear retailers can and...
Facebook’s New Status Update Policy

Facebook’s New Status Update Policy

Have you noticed that you are only seeing updates in your newsfeed from the same people lately? I have been and it's driving me nuts! I keep missing things I...
MSLK Successfully Leads a Lively Panel Discussion on Social Media for FGI

MSLK Successfully Leads a Lively Panel Discussion on Social Media for FGI

Last night's Fashion Group International panel discussion was insightful and informative, with Sheri L Koetting successfully leading the panelists through a wide range of Social Media topics. Much light was...
2009 Social Media Demographics and Statistics

2009 Social Media Demographics and Statistics

Over the past year, MSLK has been very involved in the social media hype, figuring out the best strategies in using these medias to reach our clients and potential clients...
Webinar- Marketing Inspiration: Top Trends in Social Media

Webinar- Marketing Inspiration: Top Trends in Social Media

Thank you to everyone who joined us for our webinar on Social Media, with marketing expert, Sheri Koetting and social media consultant, Shannon Nelson.We hope you gained some new insights...
Marketing Inspiration: Top Trends in Social Media

Marketing Inspiration: Top Trends in Social Media

You are well aware of the social media buzz, maybe you’ve even joined in the revolution. However, you may not be aware of how to use each media to its...