Watershed on Inhabitat Again

Watershed on Inhabitat Again

MSLK is back at it again with a great write up on the eco-blog Inhabitat. Besides covering our installation at the premiere of The Age of Stupid and the Dumbo...
MSLK’s “Watershed” Installation Gets Blog Coverage

MSLK’s “Watershed” Installation Gets Blog Coverage

MSLK’s eco-art installation, Watershed, raises public awareness on environmental issues and is heavily blogged across the Internet. "ECO ART Plastic Bottle Installation in NYC" Inhabitat, blog May 30, 2009 "Trashy...
“Urban Tumbleweeds” is Highlighted by Trend Websites

“Urban Tumbleweeds” is Highlighted by Trend Websites

MSLK’s effort to raise environmental awareness through Urban Tumbleweeds, an eco-art installation, is highlighted by trend spotting websites. “Urban Tumbleweeds” PSFK, blog June 23, 2008 Blog Net News, blog June...
“Urban Tumbleweeds” Catches the Attention of Bloggers

“Urban Tumbleweeds” Catches the Attention of Bloggers

Urban Tumbleweeds, MSLK’s eco-art installation, catches the attention of green design and marketing blogs. "Recycled Plastic Environmental Art Installation by MSLK" Inhabitat June 21, 2008 Design Corner, blog June 21,...