Blo©k Island™ D®eams
I’m just back from a week away at one of my favorite places in the world: Block Island, RI. For those of you who don’t know about “BI,” here are some facts: It’s a tiny island in the Atlantic about 12 miles off the coast from Rhode Island, and accessible only by ferry and prop planes. Its 17 miles of beaches are exquisite, and most people opt for mopeds and bicycles as their primary mode transport. Save for a lone Starbucks, it’s amazingly free from chains.
Being such a small place, people hold it dear in their hearts—be it day-trippers, snowbirds, or the residents themselves. The island’s 900 year-rounder’s are an especially hardy bunch, battling the rough New England elements in near solitude. (Last year’s high school class had 4 proud graduates.)
If you’re not a fan of quaint cottages, easygoing attitudes, happy families, and small town charm you need not apply.
One of the most charming—and ubiquitous—images is that of the island itself. The iconic shape is omnipresent, emblazoned in clothing, knick-knacks, signage, cars, and even food. I tried my best to document the amazing display of local pride, which often was done in earnest, although a large portion bordered on kitsch…
This is a very standard graphic, most often seen on cars…
The island image has been co-opted by many local businesses…
Many opt for to keep the island image in their homes.
As stained glass…
Hand towels…
Bath mats…
Coffee mugs…
Thing-a-ma-bobs on the wall…
Thing-a-ma-bobs outside…
Of course, tourists want to take a piece of the island with them.
As jewelry…
As chocolate (chocolate “blocks” eh?)
As T-shirts…
As car decals…
On hats…
As bottles openers…
As charms for your Crocs…
I especially love the handmade versions you’d see everywhere…
By the end of the week, I was starting to see the island everywhere…